Saturday's meeting was awesome!!!
We had 12 members present! Welcome to our NEWEST members: Maryanne and Nannette
We had a visit from Cathy and her handsome Great Dane, Kallen from Bright and Beautiful Therapy Dogs! Here is a link to her site: see more of what was discussed below!
The first half of the meeting was spent in Open Forum. Our new members got to introduct themselves and tell a bit about their journey.
One member shares that she is reading a book by Dr. Josh Axe about Leaky Gut. He has a leaky gut plan to restore your g.i. health.
Here is a link to help you learn more:
One member shares some of the horrible things doctors have said to her on her journey to diagnosis... "your job is too stressful" and "you're bored" and "you need to see a psych doctor". The members chimed in with agreement and understanding some members having had similar experiences when a physician was unable to figure out what was causing their symptoms.
One member was able to continue working due to her job being sewing and having to keep her head and neck in the same position for hours at a time... ouch!
One member shares some relief from a "Trigger Point Release Massage" which she states was NOT relaxing, but actually helped her. for a bit more information on this technique, click here:
One member reports doing quite well and after a very long flare up is now "almost back to normal" YAY! We love to hear good news!!! Gives us hope!!!
One member came back after a long hiatus! Her update: after 12 years of being told it was Fibro and CFS/CFIDS she has been to an Integrative Medicine doctor (Dr. Abraham Vinod with offices in Warren, Summit and West Orange) who gave her a very very throrough exam and tests she has never had before... and is now found to have Hashimoto's Thyroiditis. Medicine has been prescribed and a slow approach to increasing the med, then checking the labs, then slowly increasing the med and then checking the labs... and things are moving slowly in the right direction for her! Although there is a possible side effect of leg cramping that needs to be addressed... but WELCOME BACK D!!!! you were sorely missed!!!
The second half of the meeting we were joined by Cathy and Kallen!!!
Kallen provided a soft silky head for petting and many smiles throughout the room! And as BIG as he is, he was a perfect gentleman!!!
Kallen pops in on senior citizen homes, hospitals, and schools, making himself available for a recent grief counselling session at a middle school following the suicide of one of the students... Way to go Kallen!
Cathy shared what it takes to become a certified dog, and also shared that some hotels actually allow dogs! Residence Inn, Days Inn and Red Roof Inn may have accommodations for you AND your furry family member!
Next Meeting: Saturday, November 11, 2017 from 2pm - 3:30. We will discuss the upcoming Holiday Party set for the December meeting! Mark your calendars now, for Saturday, December 9th. Remember, if you will be participating in the Gift Grab, you will need to bring a wrapped gift in the $15 range that would be appropriate for either male or female!
be well my friends!
xo Jo