July 5, 2014.
Ice Breaker: What is the one thing you would do if your illness would magically allow it?
Some of the answers? Folk dancing, “be with my son more”, travel, painting/drawing, going to the beach, “get a boyfriend”, skydive
Topic: Boundaries – what worked 10 or 20 years ago may no longer work. We are constantly changing and growing. How do we set a new boundary in a way that we can get our needs met thereby decreasing stress on our body, spirit and mind?
For more on this topic, please read the latest blog entitled "Setting Healthy Boundaries"
One member may take a defensive driving course to help decrease distractions (increase focus)
One member has a letter from doctor stating that they are unable to perform DWI checks relating to loss of balance due to illness.
One member states her doctor recently asked her “why does your husband come to every appointment?”And the answer was “because I can’t drive!” The doctor really seemed surprised!
One member questioned if the doctors have the ability to send in some kind of paperwork to take a driver’s license away?
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Saturday July 19th, 2014
Our leader is away for six weeks, Patrick (Assistant Leader) offered to facilitate this and the next two meetings in Joanne’s absence
ICE BREAKER: What was your first job? What was your favorite job? What was your least favorite job? And how did they affect your health?
The ice breaker turned into a full blown discussion of the above questions.
Some of the jobs were ballet dancer! and Programmer!