NOVEMBER 16, 2013
New Member: Welcome Stan!
Group discussed guilt associated with having a chronic illness
Some members use meditation in treating their illness. Discussion included different forms of meditation. Oprah is teaming up with Deepak Chopra and they are offering a free 3 week meditation challenge. It started a few days ago, but you can still sign up and catch up by doing two meditations per day (approx. 15 min. each).
Here is a link:
One member shared that she was examined by a well known doctor who treats Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS/CFIDS). Dr. Susan Levine in NYC. This member was initially diagnosed by an Infectious Disease doctor ten or so years ago. That doctor was out of Robert Wood Johnson Medical Center but is no longer there.
One member shared that she is healing from a foot injury. It was fractured and is healing but the incident along with demanding physical therapy have put her Chronic Fatigue Syndrome into a flare up.
Members present discuss how it can be very isolating to be so sick.
Members discuss and agree that getting out into the sunshine helps a great deal with mood.
We have discussed in previous meetings about the "Spoon Theory" essay on that website. We are all very grateful for the author's amazing rendition of what it feels like to have to live each day with such a limited amount of energy. This essay is a great way to break the ice with family and friends who you think would benefit from greater understanding of what we go through. Some of us have joint pain, muscle pain, stiffness and other physical symptoms like IBS, rashes, headaches, etc., but it's the symptoms that you cannot put your finger on, like brain fog, and debilitating fatigue that people have the hardest time understanding.
Members discussed the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday and shared what they will be doing, as well as a few coping strategies!
Please take a moment to "Share this Page". By selecting one of the buttons on the HOME PAGE you will be able to share our website with your Facebook friends, your Linkedin supporters and Twitter followers! The more people we reach the better chance we will be able to be found by someone who needs us!
Our website was found using the following search phrase: "Chronic illness support groups" and was also found by people using the following search words: support, chronic, illness, groups. Please support the effort by taking the time to click on the home page monthly, as people see that we are here, they will remember us to people that they know that are suffering with CFS, Fibromyalgia (Fibro) or any of dozens of different autoimmune diseases! We are here to help but need help to be found!
This month a second mailing was sent with business cards and a flyer this time to rheumatologists (the first one was to Social Workers). A third mailing will go out to local General Practitioners later this month. We also posted to Craigs List which is already successful.
Thank you to those who donated this month! I am making every effort to get the word out that we are here and I could not do it without you! So thank you!
*** Next Meeting will be December 7th 2pm - 3:30pm
Remember, there will be ONLY ONE MEETING in December!!!
NOVEMBER 2, 2013
Topic: Tips for the Holidays
One member hires her daughter to bake cupcakes and deliver them for her!
Gift Cards and or "Cold Hard Cash!" are the easiest gifts
Scratch-Off Lottery tickets are always a hit, and inexpensive. Also, they are easy to get at any convenience store
One member will be having company but expressed how exhausting it is to get the house ready. Can't really enjoy company once you are that exhausted. One member suggests a housekeeper, and that some services offer a "try us out" coupon.
Wrapping gifts is much easier with tissue paper and a gift bag
Recruit family or friends to help with wrapping! A nice way to spend some quality time together!
One member mentioned that Social Security recipients were given a 1.5% increase for cost-of-living.
The Woodbridge Medical Marijuana depot will be open soon
One member went to the Multiple Sclerosis (MS) conference in NYC. Dr. Jadik spoke about stem cell trials. Treatment could be available as soon as 5-10 years from now!
Names were selected for the Holiday Grab bag which will be part of the Dec 7th Holiday party meeting. If you would like to participate please bring an inexpensive gift in the $5 - $10 range.
Next Meeting: November 16, 2013