Attendance: 6
Donations collected: $20
Monthly Expenses: $100
Deficit (-$80)
Ice Breaker: Discuss one nice thing that happened to you this week!
Members shared their week:
* "Im studying to become an Animal Control Officer"
* "I'm getting my eye fixed"
* "Sister came up from NC for visit"
* "A doctor I wanted to see is in my insurance Network"
Topic: Article was read aloud. A study indicates that systemic Inflammation in the body affects the brain and can be the cause of some forms of depression
Choosing what you eat can help or hinder inflammation which in turn affects depression.
The anti-inflammatory diet was discussed which is "clean eating" (fruits and vegitables, lean meats, etc...
Foods high in Omega 3 fatty acids reduce inflammation
Flaxseed oil/seeds
Chia seeds
Fish oil
Nuts (walnuts)
Foods high in Omega 6 actually increase inflammation
Omega 6 in cornfed cattle is 9x higher compared to grass fed cattle
Same with hens and their eggs
Next Meeting: MAY 14th and EXCITING NEWS! we have a Guest Speaker! On Cryo Therapy!